This is a blog for BUSINESS people.

Here you'll find different tools to help you improve your BUSINESS SKILLS: E-mails, Meetings, Negotiations, Presentations, Socializing and Telephoning. Your comments are always welcome.



Read the article below. Then, we´ll discuss the Do´s and Don´t´s of PRESENTATIONS.


How to deliver a good Presentation?

Presentation is the practice(art) of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience.

"The audience only pays attention as long as you know where you are going."
    (Philip Crosby)

  A Good Oral Presenter:

1. Shows knowledge about the topic
2. Captures the Audience
3. Makes use of Visual Aids
4. Presents a clear Structure
5. Gives Relevant Examples
6. Good Eye Contact among the Audience
7. Makes good use of Transitions
8. Uses Strong & Loud Voice
9. Shows Confidence
10. Focuses on the topic

Some Common Mistakes:

1.  Voice is unclear & not so loud.
2. Same tone (no ups or downs.)
3. Postures & gestures are unnatural.
4. Lack of Confidence while delivering Presentation.
5. Not appealing to the audience 

Click the link below to take part in the discussion. You´ll be redirected to VOXOPOP. First, listen to my message with instructions. Then. record your message just by clicking on the record button. Once you´re ready, click on the stop icon. Remember to save your message.

Discussion » Presentations: Do's and Don't's

2 comentarios:

  1. Hola Vanina!
    Qué intersantes los tips... y muy graciosa la imagen!! :D
    Un beso,

  2. hola vani! buena idea d poner una img tb.
